Monday, November 15, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010


I love the abstract quality of this composition!


Another triangular composition of boats today. This photo was already a strong composition. Notice how the corners are bracketed. The dock and the boats create a nice triangle. I added the gradation on the dock to create the strongest value contrast at the boat in the lower right.

My husband took this photo two weeks ago when we were in Maine.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Three Boats Part 2

I worked this painting differently today. I painted all of the darks with a combination of ultramarine and black. Then I painted all of the lights. I painted burnt sienna over the darkest landscape areas. Viridian and zinc yellow and white in various combinations over the landscape.

Three Boats

Today, I decided to paint from a photo. I took my time to make sure that I was composing and not copying a photo. I placed the subject in the lower left. This  area will get the lightest lights. I made sure to make a nice dark and light value pattern to this triangular composition. In my first glaze, I painted the whole board with a coat of viridain and white at a value 4.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I'm trying to become more painterly. This is an exercise on loosening up in the foreground.

Barn Landscape

I copied a barn shaped shed that I can see from my window. I'm attempting a nice dark/light pattern. I want to paint all neutral shades with red on the side of the barn. I invented all of the lines using angular composition. I painted a cadmium yellow glaze on my board value 4.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rooftop View

I remembered to plan today. My subject is the bell on the roof of my house. I invented the house and sky to accent the bell and used a value plan. Work progressed much easier!

Monday, November 1, 2010


I added alizarin crimson to the sky. The painting finally feels betterl