Thursday, October 14, 2010

Grasshopper Part 5

I painted the grasshopper with a combination of viridian (green), cadmium yellow, zinc yellow (a lighter yellow), and alizarin crimson for the darks which I followed with black. I used the alizarin to set up a contrast and because there is red in the background.  To make the grasshopper harmonize with the background, it's helpful to work the viridian in.

It was too dark underneath the grasshopper because I kept painting too long yesterday and didn't think before I leaped. I scratched as much of the dark as I could.

Now, to solve this painting I want to move the eye around in a circle.  I have been working in Circular Composition. I want to leave secondary interest areas in the upper left and upper right to complete the circle, give the suggestion of fallen leaves and keep my grasshopper as the focal point.

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